How to build your emotional resilience

How to build your emotional resilience? Life-changing

Emotional resilience is an ability that is most visible during hard times. You might have noticed that some of us react calmly and composed to tough scenarios. On the other hand, other people might take longer or have a harder time overcoming a crisis. How you cope with these difficult situations depends on your emotional resilience and how to build your emotional resilience is the key point of this article.

If you learn about emotional resilience, you can become conscious of it and start working on your own mental resilience training. In this post, you will learn how this ability will help you bounce back from stressful situations and how to build it through your daily life.  

What is emotional resilience?

Emotional resilience refers to how composed and calm you can be during a negative experience like a tragedy, nerve-racking stress or threats to your well being. Thanks to this ability, you can adapt swiftly to these hardships, make decisions and learn when to allow imperfections. Since modern life can be hectic, it is an essential ability if you want to keep up with all your responsibilities.  

For example, imagine that you have accidentally made a mistake and receive complaints in your workplace.  Resilience at work will help you accept the scenario that happened and you wonder how you are going to resolve the issue. Also, it means that you will think with a cool, clear head how to solve it as soon as possible, build emotional resilience and how to avoid it in the future.

Why do you need emotional resilience?

People with improved emotional resilience do not become immune to disgrace and misfortune. Rather they just become better able to cope with difficult times.

Once you have developed Resilience in the workplace and other fields of your life, the clarity you gain as a result, will enable you to notice patterns and actions that might lead you to these difficult scenarios. If your main problems are work-related, you can focus on learning how to cope with work-related anxiety.    

Tips to build your emotional resilience

You can’t control life’s twist and adversities. Yet, you can decide how to face these situations and how to hone your emotional resilience. Different factors determine how much each person develops resilience. For example, how much you were exposed to trauma at a certain age. But don’t worry, it is a trait that everyone has. Even better, it can improve with constant effort and with emotional and mental resilient training.

Here are some recommendations on how to build your emotional resilience:

· Exercise self-awareness

If you feel an emotion cluster which is a disoriented feeling consists of feeling anxious and fearful. It's a dramatic emotional reaction and takes time to understand, give a name to what you are feeling. What triggered these emotions in you? Try to keep in mind what detonates positive and negative emotions in you

· Work on your relationships and connections

By building a support network, you create a safe space to express your feelings and improve how you understand your emotions. If you join a group from your area, you will have a source of motivation when needed.

· Prioritize self-care

Make sure not to slack in care of your own body and mind health. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is essential to keep your emotional stability. Sleep well, eat healthily and make sure to do some exercise.

· Set realistic goals

If you try to tackle an enormous problem head-on and as a single task, you will probably end up frustrated, overwhelmed, and carried away by your emotions. If you manage it as little tasks, you will feel the satisfaction of your progress and it will be easier to keep going.

· Practice control of your thoughts

Each day, you build your own image of yourself in your mind. You need to manage your thoughts and stop any negative view of your own self. That way of thinking works only as self-sabotage. Nurture a positive and hopeful perspective that will boost your confidence.

How to build your emotional resilience?

You might imagine a resilient person as an emotionless robot in the middle of the chaos. But there are no strict clauses to what it takes to be resilient. Everyone has different strategies, levels and ways to cope with difficult situations. However, you can evaluate yourself by keeping track of your response to recent adversity. Analyze if your course of action was the best. Writing down or expressing your thoughts and emotions will help you increase your awareness in these situations.

If you practice day by day, you will become an experienced sailor with enough personal resilience to surpass crisis and adversity. If you find yourself having a hard time to improve, you can always contact me here, I will support you.

If you want to read more about How to can employers reduce stress at work or cope with stress Get in touch here, so you can learn how to build your emotional resilience.